Role-Play Grid
Used by
The Riddler,
Enemies of The Riddler
6 ft
6 ft
The Coalition
Video Game Character

The Riddlerbots are footsoldiers that serve the Riddler, and are used by Ty-Dawg.


The Riddlerbots were designed and built by The Riddler himself after being failed multiple times by regular thugs and criminals, and as such are specifically designed to serve him.


The Riddler Appears[]

The Riddlerbots were sent by the Riddler to Attack a bank in New Jersey, traveling by means of a conspicuous white van with tinted windows, as well as one of the Riddlerbots. They soon entered the building and fired on the inhabitants, but were soon interrupted by the arrival of Booker, who fired upon them and managed to destroy a good few. In desperation, a small group attempted to get into the adult. But were shot dead by Booker, who then found the briefcase containing three riddles: When confused look to me. I have no answers, but i look back on every question. What you need, i have no clue. My broken space will never be filled. My shallow hills are the faces of kings. My horizon is always near. My music sends men to the grave. My absence sends men to work. What am I? I stand at my post, not a care in the world. its lonely at times, as long as I don't come unfurled, I may not be smart, but that doesn't matter. As long as I can make my enemies scatter. What am I?

It’s Time For Riddles![]

The Riddlerbots once again attacked an area in New Jersey under the Riddlers orders, this time a court in session. Before they could enter the court and begin their attack however, Booker arrived. After a quick gunfight between them, a Riddlerbot vocalized another riddle: “Hear my riddle, I pray. What God never sees, what the king seldom sees, and what we see every day. What. Is. It?”.When booker answered with a smartass response, the Riddlerbots activated bombs within them, but were not able to cause any civilian damage due to Booker throwing their remains inside the van and throwing it to the sky. 


The Riddlerbots, befitting their nature, are cold and mechanical. They have no free will or desires outside of serving the Riddler. The Riddler has stated however that they have a limited concept of religion, with himself serving as their god.


All Versions[]

Strength: Every version of the Riddler has strength that is stronger than the average human.

Rebuilding: After being smashed, the Riddlerbots can rebuild themselves, so long as the green orb in their chest remains intact.

Blue and Red variants[]

Electricity: When being fought, the Blue and Red Riddlerbots are capable of generating electric shocks to damage their opponents.


Machine Guns: All gunners are armed with machine guns, making them notable combatants in battle.
